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NYC Area Start-Up or Business Can Get $50,000

New York City Entrepreneur Week (NYC ENT pronounced NICE’ ent) is fast approaching and there is an interesting lineup of speakers to date.

NYC ENT '09 matches entrepreneurs with experienced startup mentors, angel investors, and venture capitalists to provide insight into growing a business from concept to profitability. At the center of the week's events is a 21-company business plan competition in which startups will leverage the lessons learned during the week to win funding and pro bono strategic guidance from a wide range of NYC service providers who will help take their company to the next level.

The deadline to submit business proposals is Thursday, April 9. The winner of the competition will receive $50,000 in consulting and technology services from a wide range of service providers participating during the week.

More information regarding submission details and guidelines can be found at http://nycentweek.com/competition

NYC ENT '09 is trying to bring together a previously fragmented environment of New York based entrepreneurial groups, service providers, financiers, and technology and business experts in order to:

  • Spur economic activity and create jobs
  • Build awareness of New York City’s promising early-stage community
  • Discuss the many assets of NYC as a hub of entrepreneurial activity
  • Create a platform where entrepreneurs, capital providers, service providers and small businesses can engage in a free flow exchange of ideas
  • Provide educational workshops to help entrepreneurs build stronger organizations
  • Connect emerging companies with capital

Follow the NYC ENT organization on Twitter @NYCENT



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