Here's the 411 on the 911 in Livingston NJ
Here's a big FYI:
Livingston township is using a system called SWIFT911 for high speed notification of town residents of urgent news. The key feature of the system is the capability of delivering pre-recorded messages to the entire community via telephone, cell phone, email and text messaging.
This system will be used by more municipal departments now, including:
- the Tax Department, for property tax notifications;
- the Water Department, for water maintenance and outage notifications;
- Engineering, for messages about road construction on Township roadways; and
- the Police Department will continue to utilize it for emergencies.
The Swift911 system uses a publicly available list of phone numbers for both residents and businesses.
BUT if you're number is NOT listed in the telephone book, your number is probably not in the system.
Residents and businesses can add or remove their phone numbers from the system online by visiting or by clicking on the Swift911 icon above to get to the township website page with details. The service can also add cell phones numbers and e-mail addresses.
Labels: 911, emergency, livingston, nj, township
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