LIVING in LIVINGston and surrounding towns of New Jersey

Life in Livingston, Short Hills, Millburn, Summit, Madison, Chatham, East Hanover, West Orange and the surroundings of NJ/NY


1 Year Free For Your Family At The Turtle Back Zoo

Last week, we shared a way to get a free party for you and 25 of your friends at the Turtleback Zoo.

This week, we announce a great new contest exclusive to www.FingerClickingGood.com/livingston

The Essex County Turtle Back Zoo will give away a ONE YEAR Family Membership to the Zoo for FREE to one lucky winner here!

All you have to do is enter a comment below with your favorite zoo animal.

Entries must be made by midnight November 15th, 2009 eastern time, one entry per person.

Also, if you want a 2nd chance at the contest, just tweet about this contest here at www.fingerclickinggood.com/livingston via Twitter with the hashtag #turtlebackzoo



1. Contest is open to U.S. residents only unless otherwise noted.

2. Enter the contest by leaving a comment on the post with the name of your favorite zoo animal. Read below to see how to increase your odds of winning!

3. Entries must be submitted by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on the contest deadline. Winner will be notified by email (so be sure to give us a valid email).

4. Prize delivery will be arranged by Essex County Turtle Back Zoo management after we contact you and collect your address.

5. The winner will have 3 days to claim their prize after being notified by email; otherwise, a new winner will be chosen.

6. Winner will be chosen using Random.Org’s True Random Number Generator.

7. We will not share your information in any way!

8. Increase your chance of winning with up to two additional entries by:
a) sending a message over Twitter about this contest with the hashtag #turtlebackzoo
b) publishing a blog post with a link back to this site and then posting a comment with the URL of your blog post in the comment section below

9. We reserve the right to cancel this contest for any reason at all.

10. Essex County Turtle Back Zoo is supplying the 1 annual family membership prize.

11. Value of prize if $75.00.

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  1. Blogger kkcoolj | 12:33 PM |  

    Just enter a comment here with your favorite zoo resident! What's your favorite animal?

    Good luck!

  2. Anonymous Suzanne Bird | 12:42 PM |  

    I'm a big fan of the Emu's. Watching them roam around in their 'Turtle Back' enclosure takes me on a quick trip down memory lane to my homeland of Australia. I've been living in America for 12 yrs now and my children and I love to spot all the Australian animals at the zoo!

  3. Blogger Done | 12:46 PM |  

    I love the Gibbons!

  4. Blogger KMP50 | 12:54 PM |  

    I love the bears and their habitat. I like the "house" that abuts it with hints on how to keeps bears from coming into your house...

  5. Anonymous Kristin Aguilera | 12:59 PM |  

    Mel the gibbon is the best!

  6. Blogger Marisa | 12:59 PM |  

    The boys and I love to watch the penguins and the prairie dogs!

  7. Blogger Unknown | 1:02 PM |  

    i like the aligator, especially during feeding time.

  8. Anonymous Seth | 1:29 PM |  

    Where else can you run around with the peacocks?!

  9. Blogger Preetalina | 1:54 PM |  

    Cool contest! My fave animals are the turtles. :D

  10. Anonymous marisa | 2:15 PM |  

    The otters!! Followed by the big pig, Arbuckle (?) in the petting zoo.

  11. Anonymous aubrey | 2:51 PM |  

    hard to pick our favorite really...the sloth, the penguins or perhaps the fastest turtle ever?!... the reptile house is the first thing we have to see when we are there...and no stop is complete without the prairie dogs...oh and of course the peacock families!!!

  12. Blogger kdy12570 | 3:26 PM |  

    We love the Alpaca's--I'm a big fan of their fur (love to knit with it! lol)
    After that, my daughter always enjoys the pony rides and feeding the goats...

  13. Anonymous Tom Hackett | 3:26 PM |  

    I've been a fan of the prairie dogs since I was a little kid. Now my own kids are fans!

  14. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:37 PM |  

    The sloth actually posed for me to take his picture this summer

  15. Blogger Unknown | 3:56 PM |  

    The prairie dogs are so cute (and funny, too!)

  16. Blogger Unknown | 4:09 PM |  

    I love the Budgies! Last time I visited they were really hungry!

  17. Anonymous Arisai | 5:28 PM |  

    My family and me love the prairie dogs the most, but we enjoy seeing all the animals.

  18. Blogger James | 5:48 PM |  

    The best is Dante the horse! HE'S HUGE!! My wife and boys and I all agree - his head is larger than my torso!

  19. Blogger Unknown | 7:13 PM |  

    My son and I love Onyx and Gumbie the alpacas.

  20. Anonymous Susan | 7:19 PM |  

    Been visiting for years and years but I have to say I love the otters the best of all.

  21. Anonymous Roxanne | 8:26 PM |  

    I am a nanny and have been taking my charges their for over 15 years. My favorite exhibit is the prairie dogs.

  22. Anonymous Jenn | 8:55 PM |  

    We love all the exhibits but the new bird exhibit is a favorite with my kids!

  23. Blogger Ian J. Lewis | 10:32 PM |  

    My Kids love the new bird exhibit and visiting the farm every time we go!

  24. Blogger Unknown | 10:15 AM |  

    My son loves to feed the sheep and goats, and we always look for the chicken with the "funny hair".

  25. Blogger Unknown | 12:17 PM |  

    Sweet! 1 Year free!

  26. Blogger Unknown | 12:21 PM |  

    We like the prairie dogs :)

  27. Blogger Dee2625 | 11:30 PM |  

    Walking through the bird cage and having all of the birds flapping around you!!! Pure excitment for lil ones and even still myself still!!! Love the fact that you can feed them too!!

  28. Anonymous Anonymous | 9:34 AM |  

    I have to say Peanut Butter and Jelly.. have become a favorite this past year.. when we can find them:)My family loves the zoo and cannot wait to return!

  29. Anonymous John Kim | 12:59 PM |  

    otters are fun

  30. Blogger devilwoman15 | 11:18 PM |  

    My favorite is the wolves

  31. Blogger Rosemarie | 11:20 PM |  

    We love the penguins! My girls wanted to just stand there and watch all day.

  32. Anonymous foffie@aol.com | 11:21 PM |  

    I agree.. the prairie dogs are the best!!!

  33. Blogger Jo | 11:24 PM |  

    Penguins and prairie dogs (especially the one on the left) have been favorites for many years, but the last time I spent a lot of time watching the wallabies. I watched one patient "mom" for a long time as her joey kept repositioning itself, and a male who couldn't find anyone to "play" with him. It was quit a show.
    But it's all looking great these days.
    (Please do the bird feeding again next year. I'm anxious to bring my nephew)

  34. Blogger Athena and Carlos | 11:27 PM |  

    My son loves the sheep and goats because when they eat out of his hands he can feel their toungs tickling him!!

  35. Blogger kmcoriginals | 11:28 PM |  

    Even though they are hard to see I am a fan of the axolotl and am happy to see them at the Zoo!

  36. Anonymous Alice | 11:30 PM |  

    I have never been to the Turtle Back Zoo, so I would love to win and take my grandchildren. I want to see the penguins and the bird exhibit.

  37. Blogger JennieAndPaul | 11:31 PM |  

    At Turtle Back, I love the Wolves :) At other Zoos, my favorite would be the Giraffes or Zebras.

  38. Anonymous Tanya Sage | 11:31 PM |  

    I love the Snow Owl. It is so majestic looking, with its huge eyes and soft feathers. its just a beautiful animal i enjoying seeing every time i visit

  39. Anonymous Anonymous | 12:19 AM |  

    My son who will be 3 loves turtle back zoo especially for the penguins - he can sit there for hours and watch them, for me to enjoy the expression on his face as he watches them, its worth the commute to take him

  40. Blogger Unknown | 12:31 AM |  

    Scout and Sage ! ! ! ! !

  41. Blogger MTB | 4:53 AM |  

    We love the bald eagles ~ so majestic.

  42. Blogger CatHerder | 6:25 AM |  

    My husband and I went last Wednesday. I hadnt been there in YEARS! Wow! I was so surprised at the new areas, landscaping etc. I got some great pics, and we enjoyed a really nice day. It was definately not the same Turtle Back Zoo of the 70's I remember as a small child! We will be back!

  43. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:58 AM |  

    Our family favorites are the penguins and the bald eagles.
    The zoo has improved so much since I went there as a child. The exhibits are so much more animal friendly - more like an environment than a cage. And the new carousel is beautiful!

  44. Blogger Unknown | 7:10 AM |  

    I love the Eagles! Actually I loved the entire bird exhibit.

  45. Blogger Unknown | 7:17 AM |  

    My boys love going to turtleback zoo. That's their home away from home. ;) we love watching the aligarors and reptile exhibit. The zoo actually inspired my 9 yr old to want to work at a zoo because he loves the animals so much...

  46. Anonymous Pat J | 8:21 AM |  

    Love the birds - always have & always will!

  47. Blogger Amy Arato | 8:42 AM |  

    The red panda is our family favorite! I can't believe nobody's mentioned him yet!

  48. Anonymous Anonymous | 8:49 AM |  

    My son loves the owls. So cute to hear him say Great Horned owl.

  49. Anonymous beachgrlnj@aol.com | 8:52 AM |  

    The CAPYBARAS! What an odd yet cute lil rodent! Capybaras rule! :)

  50. Blogger Unknown | 8:58 AM |  

    I went to see the Red Fox because I heard he was a funny comedian! He was a real sly guy :)

  51. Anonymous Linda K | 9:08 AM |  

    My kids love going to the turtle back zoo! We always have a fun filled day there! We love seeing the pengiuns and the prairie dogs!! To see a smile on my childrens face is priceless!! We have been going to the turtle back zoo since they were babies!! Great Job to all the people who make the zoo such a fun place to be!!

  52. Anonymous Tara W. | 9:24 AM |  

    My two-and-a-half-year-old son loves the Big Bad Wolves.....

  53. Blogger Bridget | 9:33 AM |  

    We love the llamas and the sheep. Our second son could not get enough of the llamas, I think because their chewing made him laugh and because their habitat is kind of dug out they were at his eye level. Our eldest loves feeding the sheep. He just giggled and giggled every time.

  54. Anonymous Gail Devine | 9:37 AM |  

    We love the animals in the barn - my son has always had the best time up there. His favorite is the sheep when it goes BAAAA! :) I look forward to taking my newborn twins there soon!

  55. Blogger Gretta | 9:43 AM |  

    My daughter loves the red panda because she is from China. I love the budgies - if only my own backyard birdies were as friendly!

  56. Blogger Unknown | 10:03 AM |  

    My niece's favorite animal at the zoo is actually the reticulated python. I like the roaming peacock and peahen!

  57. Anonymous Anonymous | 10:12 AM |  

    We love Jam and Jelly! I always look forward to seeing them. we also love the cougars and the horse rides!!!

  58. Anonymous Anonymous | 10:13 AM |  

    What's better than the penguins diving into the pool?

  59. Blogger QuienEs | 10:42 AM |  

    I like monkeys the most. QE

  60. Anonymous sue | 11:39 AM |  

    My family loves the penguins & the wolves.

  61. Blogger rebeccadp | 2:16 PM |  

    Whenever we go, we have to visit the aligator multiple times. My son is obsessed!

  62. Blogger Christian Oshiro | 8:05 PM |  

    I really like the huge tortoise in the Reptile House!

  63. Blogger Elizabeth Anne Easter | 11:34 AM |  

    My son and I love the penguins. It is especially fun to watch them swim. They always seem to act like little hams when people are watching, and my son always gets a chuckle from watching the way they flaunt for people.

  64. Anonymous Cynthia G | 10:01 PM |  

    I love the little kangaroos!

  65. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:52 AM |  

    My favorites are the cougars, the Kean University mascots!

  66. Anonymous Anonymous | 10:31 AM |  

    The bird exhibit is by far the best!!!

  67. Anonymous Jen | 11:53 AM |  

    My two year old says his favorite animals at the zoo are the otters. There is an episode of Maurice Sendak's "Little Bear" where the otters come out to play and Emily and Little Bear are their teachers. My son loves to watch the otters swim in their pool and he always wants to know why they cant talk!!

  68. Blogger Petra | 11:47 AM |  

    We love the otters, we can spend a lot of time watching them frolic in the water!

  69. Blogger Vicky Knowles | 11:56 AM |  

    We love all of the animals, but my daughter's favorites are the penguins!

  70. Blogger Jay | 12:07 PM |  

    My girls and I loved the Prairie Dogs!

  71. Anonymous mh-eshaq | 12:20 PM |  

    We love the Bald Eagles and bears!!!

  72. Blogger eliz | 12:24 PM |  

    Gotta love the pairie dogs.....thy are like that funnt relative everyone wants at family dinners

  73. Blogger Y.R. | 1:00 PM |  

    When we started house hunting (pre Kids) my main concerns were taxes, schools, and activities! Turtleback is one of the nicest venues to have so close to home! All the animals at Turtleback are awesome...but my favorite, because they are also my 23 month old's favorite are the Penguing or as he says "pinguin, pinguin!" he gets so excited when he sees them! :)

  74. Blogger Y.R. | 1:01 PM |  

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:15 PM |  

    We love the prairie dog exhibit...and the fact that the kids can get right into the tunnels with them! :-)

  76. Blogger Unknown | 1:27 PM |  


  77. Blogger Ian J. Lewis | 1:39 PM |  

    My kids love Jelly and Jam. They also love the new birds exhibit.

  78. Anonymous Gina Hidalgo | 1:52 PM |  

    We LOVE having our birthday parties at the zoo with all our friends!

  79. Blogger sb | 3:19 PM |  

    The birds of course!

  80. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:24 PM |  

    We love the birds in the new bird house!

  81. Anonymous Colleen Evans | 10:54 AM |  

    My favorite animal is the elephant zoo key! It has been lettinbg me enjoy the zoo for over 40 years!

  82. Anonymous Brett | 11:31 AM |  

    Love the wolves..and how well all the animals are taken care of at the zoo. Have been coming to the zoo for about 10 years on and off. Have a daughter now and she already visited the zoo at 6months old. Looking forward to many more visits

  83. Anonymous The Selvaggio Family | 11:42 AM |  

    My children always hear me talk about Wolves and when they finally saw the wolves at the Zoo they could not believe their eyes. They are magnificants animals they do not get enough praise. The Red Panda was absolutely beautiful too. We all agree that every animal, reptile & creature made from GOD is magnificant!

  84. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:01 PM |  

    I love the kangaroos!

  85. Blogger Unknown | 3:51 AM |  

    jayden loves teh penguins the most

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